Worried that introducing AI into your business is going to turn into a Geek tragedy? We'll help you identify all the awesome ways AI can boost your products, services, and processes, Then prioritize them based on how much impact they'll make and how much money they'll bring in. Plus, we'll get down and dirty with the most promising idea - all without needing to speak a single line of code!


Our sprint implements AI tools for business in areas that will significantly enhance your business value. two, all the better.)

strategising value focus

We prioritise protecting your core business while exploring the power of AI, and minimising risks associated with pilot projects.

Risk mitigating

A structured, clear, step-by-step approach enables you to identify and capitalise on those opportunities and AI expertise effectively, for your business context.

Structuring AI integration

It is not about jumping on a new trend. It is about transforming your business. We align AI initiatives with your business goals for a tangible return on investment. and a clear roadmap 

Creating a clear ROI path

Our methods are designed with data protection regulations in mind, ensuring compliance and safeguarding your reputation.

Assuring data privacy

Innovative use of AI Cards simplifies AI concepts, making them relevant and understandable for your specific business context.

Demystifying AI 

What is an AI Accelerator™? A supercharged, fully facilitated series of workshops for leadership teams where we focus on what AI can do or your business. When you choose to go ahead with the next stage, we will bring in the Tech Wizards turning your ideas and concepts into a real-world tangible prototype, to test & validate. 

Revolutionise Your Business with AI Accelerator™ 

heck yeah, i'm ready

Each stage of is crafted to incrementally integrate AI for business, enhancing your operational efficiency and innovation capacity. The first two stages are business focused and need no technical expertise.

Based on the input of the second stage, where we build co-create a concept, we bring in the tech experts to create a working prototype based on the detailed concept.

This journey is designed to be rapid and cost-effective, to take you from zero to a working prototype in two weeks.

Your three-step AI innovation Journey

Rapid Prototyping
Design and development of a ready-to-test prototype of your AI solution concept.

Co-create meaningful AI solution concepts with a fast, engaging and low-risk approach.

Technical Feasibility Check
IT & AI experts perform a tech check and provide an implementation roadmap.

Prototype, validate & Iterate

Dive deeper into your high priority AI opportunities.

Co-create meaningful AI solution concepts with a fast, engaging and low-risk approach to streamline operational processes ranging from automating repetitive tasks to predicting customer behaviour.

Deep-Dive Concept Creation

Identify where AI can reshape your organization.

Uncover specific AI opportunities in your entire organization, across your capabilities, systems, processes & structures.

Prioritise them based on their value and impact, have actionable roadmap for your AI Journey.

AI Opportunity mapping